1st stage: The trace of the fishermen-farmers
The AsproMare trek begins with the stage, which we consider the most spectacular of the entire trek. It is a halfway path overlooking the sea in one of the most beautiful places in the entire Mediterranean.
2nd stage: High above the sea of Odysseus
The second stage starts from the sea or rather at the beach of Bagnara, a famous coastal town and ends in Scilla. The route leads us through a deep valley with steep mountain slopes and then climbs on an old path towards the highlands. The view of the sea of Odysseus accompanies us on the way and on the horizon we can see the profile of the Aeolian Islands.
3rd stage: Stories of walls and fortresses
Our third stage starts in Scilla, the pearl of our trek and a place steeped in history, which, together with the opposite Charybdis, is closely linked to the mythical figure of Odysseus. In this sea and at this point, Odysseus has been confronted with natural forces embodied by two cruel sea monsters.
4th stage: Among the green and flowery hills
The fourth stage leads us inland, but always offers wonderful views of the sea. The ambience is rural and the landscape is rough and furrowed by deep valleys. The villages seem to stick to the slopes and are inhabited by proud and hospitable people. This also applies to our destination Laganadi.
5th stage: Surrounded by fossils and marine terracies
The fifth and final stage of the AsproMare trek reaches its spectacular climax and conclusion, especially in the last part. We descend from the village of Laganadi into the river valley and then on the opposite side towards the mountain village of Orti. In this part we reach the maximum height of the trek with 786 m above sea level.